Foot of a rabbit used as good luck charm.
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1But that is not a rabbit's foot, I think, Owen, he said.
2Be sure to put your makeup on with a rabbit's foot.
3No one of us happened to have a rabbit's foot in his pocket.
4The Cubans are beginning to think he carries a rabbit's foot.
5Also that a rabbit's foot was slung conspicuously about his neck.
6A snake bone or a rabbit's foot, did you say?
7But the Annabel sure brought me luck; that name worked better than a rabbit's foot.
8She was that rabbit's foot a paratrooper kisses just before he goes out the door.
9The other knot undone revealed a small rabbit's foot.
10When I went to Africa he presented me with a gold-mounted rabbit's foot for luck.
11How could a rabbit's foot bring me good luck?
12It was the negro who had been talking about Murdock's dogs and the rabbit's foot.
13A rabbit's foot may bring good luck to you, but it brought none to the rabbit.
14Simms always carries a rabbit's foot, to which he attributes his good health and long life.
15He turns the box over and over in his hand as he talks, like a rabbit's foot.
16Mr. Grasty had evidently worked his rabbit's foot successfully, although he was quite a while in doing so.
Translations for rabbit's foot